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You can obtain Dgraph binary for the latest version as well as previous releases using automatic install script, manual download, through Docker images or by building the binary from the open source code.

  1. Install Docker.

  2. Pull the latest Dgraph image using docker:

       docker pull dgraph/dgraph:latest

    To set up a learning environment, you may pull the dgraph standalone image :

       docker pull dgraph/standalone:latest
  3. Verify that the image is downloaded:

       docker images

On linux system, you can get the binary using the automatic script:

  1. Download the Dgraph installation script to install Dgraph automatically:

       curl -sSf | bash
  2. Verify that it works fine, by running:

     dgraph version

    For more information about the various installation scripts that you can use, see install scripts.

On linux system, you can download a tar file and install manually. Download the appropriate tar for your platform from Dgraph releases. After downloading the tar for your platform from Github, extract the binary to /usr/local/bin like so.

  1. Download the installation file:
      $ sudo tar -C /usr/local/bin -xzf dgraph-linux-amd64-VERSION.tar.gz
  2. Verify that it works fine, by running:
    dgraph version

You can also build Dgraph and Ratel UI from the source code by following the instructions from Contributing to Dgraph or Building and running ratel.